Setting up your Raspberry Pi EVK

This applies to the XC111+XR111 or XC112+XR112 kits (mounted on a Raspberry Pi).


At large, these are the steps you’ll need to take:

  • Assemble your evaluation kit
  • Set up your Raspberry Pi
  • Load the Acconeer Raspberry Pi SDK onto your Raspberry Pi
  • Run the streaming server application on your Raspberry Pi

For a single sensor setup, we recommend plugging the sensor into port 1 for simplicity’s sake.

Running the streaming server application

For the XC112+XR112 kit, start the streaming server application on your Raspberry Pi located under utils in AcconeerEvk:

$ cd AcconeerEvk
$ ./utils/acc_streaming_server_rpi_xc112_r2b_xr112_r2b_a111_r2c

If you have an XC111+XR111 kit, the streaming server will instead be named acc_streaming_server_rpi_xc111_r4a_xr111-3_r1c_a111_r2c.

Find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi by running ifconfig in its terminal.